Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not here, please feel free to contact our office.
I just purchased a home in your District, how do I set up my service?
There is nothing you need to do to open your account with CID. Once the sale is final and the closing documents are processed with Benton County Assessor's office, they will notify us with change of property owner, and we will update your information.
I have low water pressure what should I do?
Make sure your filters and screens are clean and your main valve is turned all the way on.
How do I install a pressurized pump and what are your recommendations?
Please contact an irrigation specialist to direct you in the process.
I need to do yard work and cut trees in backyard; can I access the canal right of way?
Private individuals and Companies are not permitted to access the Canal Right of Way without a Hold Harmless Agreement. Please contact our office for more information regarding access.
Can you play or drink irrigation water?
Irrigation water is raw river water that may contain harmful microbial contaminants. Drinking and/or playing in it could pose a health risk.
How do I pay my bill?
Irrigation Assessments are included in property taxes. Payments are made to the Benton County Treasurer's Office. If you would like to make your payment online, please go to the home page and click "Pay Bill"